Ceramic crown using CEREC technology and microscope

(650) 964-2225

CAD CAM Ceramic dentistry: CEREC (CEramic REConstruction)
Many years ago, dentists had few options to repair decayed and damaged teeth other than amalgam, gold, and other metals. With state of the art technology such as CEREC, Dr. Yi now have the ability to make non-metal based, ceramic crowns that are just as strong as natural tooth. These ceramic materials closely match the composition of natural tooth structure. This means when you eat hot food and then drink something cold, the restoration and tooth expand and contract at almost equal rates. Also, the materials are chemically bonded to your tooth, so Dr. Yi can save as much healthy tooth structure as possible while providing you with a dental restoration that strengthens your tooth. Since Dr. Yi is fabricating CEREC crowns while respecting traditional prosthodontic method using microscope, it usually takes 2-3 days to complete them. However he also provides a single visit CEREC restorative care under the specific circumstances. 

Dedicated ceramic crowns


CAD CAM technology

Computer designed

Computer milled

Milled by computer

Milled crown requires detailed finishing on the individual die with traditional prosthodontic method.

Margin needs to be finished under a higher magnification.

Sculptured and characterized under the microscope

All crowns are carefully refined under the microscope by Dr. Yi
Accurate fit of margin on an individual die to fulfill traditional prosthodontic requirement

Sculptured under the microscope

Customized staining and glazing
Individual characterization

Verifying accurate fit of margin on the radiograph


Meticulous restorations to mimic natural dentition

Dental caries underneath existing 5 unit PFM bridge
Individually restored single tooth and implant ceramic crowns

Ceramic crown for premolar

CAD CAM technology
Blended natural appearance

You can get a new ceramic tooth within a few hours

Broken tooth and amalgam filling at 10:00 AM
Completed ceramic crown at 3:00 PM

Ceramic crowns for incisors

AD CAM technology
Blended natural appearance

Multiple ceramic crowns

CAD CAM technology
Blended natural appearance

No need to use an articulator

CAD CAM technology

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